Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Revamped and Recharged!

It seems like ages since I wrote, but I am back more focused and with a clearer vision than before. After taking a brief hiatus on my writing, I am redirecting my blog to a more tailored route, to an industry I love most – fashion and beauty. But there is a twist; there is always a twist!
The Silicon Valley is home to hundreds of app developers and budding tech companies. We are all familiar with e-commerce and what it is exactly. I mean who hasn't splurged on Amazon or bought into the “online exclusive” deals. Let’s not forget how even the traditional in-class sessions at educational institutions seem far too antiquated, as more and more resources offering online classes and support have become prevalent. Similarly this phenomenon has taken over the fashion and beauty world, especially with the rise of start-ups.
The global market place has become quite large. Where weekly trips to the mall were our typical shopping plans, now every minute of the day we are able to access a store or a mall with a wide variety of items. Fashion has literally become available at our finger tips, initially with the growth of online shopping retailers felt a need to have a website. Nowadays a retailer lacking mobile compatibility or absence of a brand’s app is business suicide. Customers are faced with not only local retailers but their reach extends far beyond their national brands. To a greater degree, customers not only have access to well-known labels, but smaller businesses offering the same product at competitive prices than what they usually get. This has made the fashion business, especially fast-fashion, one of the most competitive playing fields. Businesses are doing a lot more than usual at a greater deal to stay afloat and to not get booted out of the game.
Keeping this in mind, although the blog will showcase the glitz and the glam of this beautiful world, a large focus will be on the blend of creativity of fashion and the advancing technologies. My aim is to examine how this movement is revolutionizing this field and continues to spiral it into a more tech based business model. A showcase of fashion, art and beauty with a hint of technology. 

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